Fun and Creative Jonah and the Whale Craft for Preschoolers

Fun and Creative Jonah and the Whale Craft for Preschoolers

Get creative with your preschoolers and make a Jonah and the Whale craft! Teach them about this classic Bible story in a fun and interactive way.

Are you looking for a fun and engaging craft activity for your preschoolers? Look no further than Jonah and the Whale preschool craft! This popular Bible story provides a great opportunity to teach young children about faith, obedience, and forgiveness. With this craft project, your little ones can create their own version of Jonah's journey inside the belly of the whale. From cutting and pasting to coloring and decorating, this craft is sure to capture your preschooler's imagination and creativity. So why not dive into this exciting project with your little ones today?


The story of Jonah and the Whale is a popular one among preschoolers. It is a tale of disobedience, repentance, and redemption. Children love to listen to this story and learn about how God forgives us when we make mistakes. A great way to reinforce this lesson is by creating a craft that children can take home and share with their families.

Materials Needed

craft materials for kids
To create a Jonah and the Whale preschool craft, you will need the following materials:- Construction paper (blue, green, and white)- Scissors- Glue stick- Markers or crayons- Googly eyes (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions

jonah and the whale craft

Step 1: Create the Water Background

Take a piece of blue construction paper and cut it in half. Glue the two pieces together, overlapping slightly to create a water background.

Step 2: Make the Whale

Take a piece of green construction paper and fold it in half. Cut out a whale shape, making sure to leave the folded edge intact. When you unfold the paper, you should have a symmetrical whale shape.

Step 3: Decorate the Whale

Using markers or crayons, decorate the whale with eyes, a mouth, and any other details you like. You can also add googly eyes for a fun touch.

Step 4: Add Jonah

Take a piece of white construction paper and cut out a small figure of Jonah. You can draw him yourself or use a template. Glue him onto the whale's back.

Step 5: Glue the Whale onto the Water Background

Using a glue stick, attach the whale onto the water background. Make sure it is centered and secure.

Step 6: Add Waves

Cut out small waves from the blue construction paper and glue them onto the water background around the whale.

Step 7: Write the Bible Verse

Choose a relevant Bible verse from the story of Jonah and write it onto the craft. This could be something like And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land (Jonah 2:10).

Step 8: Personalize the Craft

Have each child write their name onto the craft to make it personal and special to them.

Step 9: Display and Discuss

Hang up the crafts on a bulletin board or wall display. Take some time to discuss the story of Jonah and the Whale with the children, using the craft as a visual aid.


Creating a Jonah and the Whale preschool craft is a fun and interactive way to teach children about the importance of obedience and repentance. This craft is easy to make and can be personalized by each child. By displaying the finished product and discussing the story together, children will have a better understanding of God's love and forgiveness.

A Fun and Unique Way to Teach Kids about This Popular Bible Story

Introducing children to the stories of the Bible can be a challenging task, especially for preschoolers with short attention spans. But with the right approach and a creative activity, teaching them about these stories can be fun and engaging. One popular Bible story that kids love is the tale of Jonah and The Whale. And what better way to teach them about it than by creating a craft that they can proudly display?

Materials Needed: Getting Ready to Create Your Jonah and The Whale Craft

To start, gather some basic materials such as construction paper, scissors, glue, markers or crayons, and a disposable plate. You will also need some blue and green tissue paper for the ocean and seaweed, respectively. If you want to add some extra details, you can also use some googly eyes, glitter, or stickers. Once you have everything ready, it's time to get crafting!

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Your Own Jonah and The Whale Craft

Begin by cutting out a large whale shape from your construction paper. Next, cut out a smaller oval shape from a different color construction paper to represent Jonah. Glue the oval shape onto the whale's mouth to make it look like Jonah is inside. Then, cut out some small circles from white paper to represent the bubbles in the water. Glue them around the whale and Jonah.

Next, take your disposable plate and cover it with blue tissue paper to make it look like the ocean. Cut out some green tissue paper to create seaweed and glue them onto the plate. Then, place your whale and Jonah on top of the plate and glue them in place.

Let Your Imagination Run Wild with Colors and Decorations

Now comes the fun part! Encourage your preschooler to add their personal touch to the craft by using markers, crayons, glitter, and stickers. They can draw waves, fish, or even add a rainbow. The possibilities are endless, and the more creative they get, the more special their craft will be.

Incorporating Lessons about Faith and Obedience while Crafting with Preschoolers

A great way to incorporate lessons about faith and obedience is by discussing the story of Jonah and The Whale while crafting. Ask your child questions about the story and encourage them to share their thoughts. For example, you can ask, Why do you think Jonah didn't want to listen to God? or What do you think Jonah learned from his experience?

Use this time to teach your child about the importance of listening to God and following His commands. Explain to them that even when we don't understand why things are happening, we can trust that God has a plan for us.

Encouraging Children's Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills during the Craft Process

Crafting is not only a fun activity but also an opportunity for children to develop their problem-solving skills. Encourage your child to think creatively and come up with their own solutions if they encounter any challenges during the crafting process.

For example, if they accidentally glue something in the wrong place, ask them how they can fix it. This will help them develop critical thinking skills and build their confidence in their ability to solve problems.

Displaying the Completed Craft as a Visual Reminder of God's Love and Power

Once your child has completed their Jonah and The Whale craft, display it in a prominent place in your home. This will serve as a visual reminder of God's love and power, and a conversation starter for further discussions about the story.

Tips for Successful Crafting with Preschoolers: Keeping Them Engaged and Focused

Crafting with preschoolers can be challenging, but with a few tips, you can keep them engaged and focused. First, choose a craft that is age-appropriate and not too complicated. Second, set up a designated crafting area with all the necessary materials within reach. Third, provide clear instructions and demonstrate each step before your child tackles it. Fourth, praise your child for their efforts and encourage them to keep going.

Adding a Storytelling Element to the Craft: Sharing the Tale of Jonah and The Whale

One way to make the Jonah and The Whale craft even more meaningful is by adding a storytelling element. Gather your family around and tell them the story of Jonah and The Whale while they work on their crafts. This will help them connect with the story and understand its significance.

The Jonah and The Whale Craft: A Fun and Meaningful Activity for the Entire Family to Enjoy

The Jonah and The Whale craft is a fun and meaningful activity that the whole family can enjoy. It's a great way to teach preschoolers about the Bible story while also encouraging their creativity and problem-solving skills. By incorporating lessons about faith and obedience, displaying the completed craft, and adding a storytelling element, you can make this craft even more special. So gather your materials and let's get crafting!

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a neutral perspective on Jonah and the Whale preschool craft.

Below are some points that may be relevant:

  • Jonah and the Whale is a popular Bible story that teaches children about obedience and repentance.
  • A preschool craft related to this story could involve creating a whale using paper plates, construction paper, and other materials.
  • The creative voice and tone of this craft should be playful and engaging, while also conveying the important message of the story.
  • The craft should be age-appropriate and easy for preschoolers to follow, with clear instructions and minimal cutting or gluing involved.
  • It is important to consider any cultural or religious sensitivities when introducing this story and craft to young children.

In summary, creating a Jonah and the Whale preschool craft can be a fun and educational activity for children, as long as it is done in a respectful and appropriate manner.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our Jonah and the Whale preschool craft! We hope that you found some inspiration for your own classroom or home activities. This classic Bible story is a great way to teach young children about obedience, forgiveness, and trust in God. With a little creativity, you can bring this story to life through crafts and activities that are both fun and educational.

One of the most important aspects of teaching preschoolers is making sure that they stay engaged and interested. By using hands-on activities like the ones we’ve described in this article, you can help your little ones understand the story of Jonah in a way that is tangible and memorable. Whether you choose to make a paper plate whale or create a sensory bin with water and toy sea creatures, there are so many ways to bring this story to life for your students or children.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about our Jonah and the Whale preschool craft ideas. Don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with your own variations on these activities – the possibilities are endless! Remember to keep the focus on the lesson of the story, and to use each activity as an opportunity to teach your little ones about God’s love and grace. Thank you again for visiting our blog, and we hope to see you again soon!

People also ask about Jonah And The Whale Preschool Craft:

  • What is the Jonah and the Whale story?
  • What are some ways to teach preschoolers about Jonah and the Whale?
  • What crafts can I do with preschoolers to teach them about Jonah and the Whale?
  1. What is the Jonah and the Whale story?
  2. The story of Jonah and the Whale is a biblical tale in which God instructs Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and preach repentance to its people. However, Jonah disobeys and instead boards a ship headed in the opposite direction. God sends a great storm, and Jonah is thrown overboard and swallowed by a large fish or whale. After three days, Jonah repents and is vomited out onto dry land. He then fulfills his mission to preach to the people of Nineveh.

  3. What are some ways to teach preschoolers about Jonah and the Whale?
  4. There are many ways to teach preschoolers about the story of Jonah and the Whale. You can use storybooks, songs, videos, and even role-playing activities. You can also incorporate arts and crafts projects into your lessons to make them more engaging and memorable for young children.

  5. What crafts can I do with preschoolers to teach them about Jonah and the Whale?
  6. There are many creative crafts you can do with preschoolers to teach them about the story of Jonah and the Whale. Some ideas include:

    • Making a paper plate whale and having the children color it and add fins, eyes, and a mouth. You can also cut out a small paper Jonah that the children can place inside the whale's mouth.
    • Creating a Jonah and the Whale diorama using a shoebox, construction paper, and small toy figures. The children can help decorate the box and place the figures inside.
    • Making a Jonah and the Whale mobile using colored paper, string, and small toys or figures. The children can decorate the paper shapes and then string them together to make a hanging mobile.


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